Our Mission Statement

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

-Matthew 28:19-20

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Why Wasn't This on the News?

Below is a disturbing video about Christians in Nigeria who were brutally attacked by Muslims. My question is, why haven't we heard about this in mainstream media? I mean hundreds of people died and nothing is said about it on the news. But when a pastor down in Florida wants to burn a Koran it's all the media wants to talk about. Even the President threw in his two cents about the pastor. If this guy wanted to burn Mein Kampf or the KKK manual would the media have thrown such a fit? I don't think so. What's the difference between the Koran and those other books? Nothing. As Bible believing Christians we believe (or should believe) all religious books apart from Scripture lead away from faith in Jesus Christ for salvation. However, I hear Christians right along with everyone else condemning this guy as a bigot. Don't get me wrong I don't think what he wanted to do was wise, but my point is that Christians should feel the same way about the Koran as they would a Satanic bible - if they really believe what they believe. Why does our society feel such a burden to protect and defend Islam? The media's obsession with portraying Islam as a "religion of peace" is so strong they totally ignore the horrible acts committed against Christians everyday by Muslims. I hope this video will help you realize what I'm saying.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

What's Wrong with American Christianity?

Have we presented a false Gospel in American Christianity? Well, consider this: most Americans claim to be Christians, however, most Americans don't act like Christians. Could it be that most Americans aren't really Christians but have been presented a false Gospel which makes them believe they're actually right with God when they're not? Many presentations I've heard include things like: asking Jesus in your heart (where's that in the Bible?); acknowledging a few facts about Jesus; saying a certain prayer; walking down an aisle and kneeling at an alter; raising your hand if you agree with what the preacher's saying (as long as "every head is bowed and every eye closed" when you do this); filling out a decision card; or making society a better place (good works). There's usually no talk of repentance and forsaking of sin, no talk of denying yourself and taking up your cross, and no talk of holy living in keeping with repentance and faith. What is the outcome of leaving these things out of the Gospel presentation? Well, that's easy - false converts. A false presentation of the Gospel will result in false converts. Watch this video to see how the Gospel is clearly presented to a culture that has been mislead by an adjusted Christianity.